Braden Alcathie Memorial Scholarship

Family and friends established a memorial scholarship through the Foundation to honor and remember Braden Alcathie, who was stillborn on November 2, 2001. Every year, on Braden’s birthday, his family commits to doing Acts of Kindness. As the years have passed, friends and family continue to remember Braden by participating in a community service project and collecting money for a scholarship. Braden would be finishing his first year in college and the family has chosen to award one Tuscola student in his memory. This is a one – time scholarship for $1000.



  • Graduating High School Senior from Tuscola High School
  • Individual with a strong work ethic and who is willing to go the extra mile to improve personal skills but more important to help others be successful.
  • Financial Need
  • Participation in community service and/ or a church community.
  • Preference given to students involved in chorus or band.


The family of Braden Alcathie will review the applications and will make a recommendation for the recipient of the scholarship.  The selection process shall consist of a review and evaluation of the scholarship application and possibly a personal interview.  The Board of Directors of the Foundation will make the final decision on the recipient of this scholarship. The Board’s decision shall be final. The Haywood County Schools Foundation, Inc., a tax-exempt charitable foundation, will administer the scholarship fund.


Payment of scholarship awards will be made at the beginning of the school year or at the beginning of each semester. Checks will be made payable to the school for student’s account and will be forwarded to the financial aid office. A copy of the previous semester grades is required to be submitted to the Foundation before further payment will occur.