The Waynesville Garden Club is composed of a group of women organized for the purpose of protecting and conserving trees, flowers, shrubs and birds; encouraging civic beauty and roadside beautification; striving towards excellence in horticulture and garden design and cooperating with other agencies to further the interest of horticulture and conservation. Up to $2,000 will be available to graduating seniors in Haywood County Public Schools.
• Graduating Senior from Haywood County Schools
• 2.5 GPA
• Preference given to students majoring in Horticulture or a related field
• Enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student in a two or four – year college or university
• Financial need
• Past recipients may apply. Renewal is not automatic.
A selection committee of the Waynesville Garden Club will make a recommendation for the recipient of the scholarship. The selection process shall consist of a review and evaluation of the scholarship application and a possible personal interview.
Payment of scholarship awards will be made at the beginning of the school year or at the beginning of each semester. Checks will be made payable to the school for student’s account and will be forwarded to the financial aid office. A copy of the previous semester grades is required to be submitted to the Foundation before further payment will occur.