2021 Tuscola Senior Decision Day

Nearly 200 Tuscola High School seniors proudly wore college t-shirts as they filed into the school’s gymnasium to celebrate the close of high school and the beginning of their future.

Although graduation is still a few weeks away, the high school’s senior decision day on Friday, May 21 recognized seniors’ rite of educational passage as they announced their commitment to attend colleges and universities, as well as enter the workforce and serve in the military.

Tuscola’s seniors will soon be scattered across the country from the University of Chicago to Ole Miss to NC State University.

Harper Schwab will attend the University of Chicago this fall to major in computer science and economics.

“My senior year has definitely been memorable being a drum major in the band,” Schwab said. “But I’m looking forward to the next chapter in my life at college.”

For Lane Cagle, who announced his commitment to the army, the close of senior year means the beginning of a career in service.

“A lot of my family has served in the military, and honestly, I never saw myself doing anything else,” Cagle explained. “I’ll begin in infantry, but my goal is to become an Army Ranger.”

Currently, the school’s guidance center has confirmed that five students will be attending trade schools, 59 plan to attend community college, 66 are enrolled in a four-year university, five have enlisted in the military, and 43 will enter the workforce.

The pandemic affected many aspects of the class of 2021’s school year, including their post-graduation plans. Counselors reported that the circumstances surrounding COVID forced seniors to be more proactive in seeking career and college planning support.

School counselors have had to communicate with students by Google meet, by phone, by e-mail, and in-person by appointment.

“This group of seniors has a unique maturity that they have developed in response to COVID,” THS Counselor Julia Plott said. “They have had to face disappointment and balance a lot of personal responsibility this school year – while all this was tough on them, I have no doubt that it will help them be that much more successful in their future endeavors”

Tuscola Students Construct Memorial Day Crosses

Tuscola High School students constructed 20 white wooden crosses for the Haywood Veterans Association’s Memorial Day display at several local cemeteries.

Students from Sherman Holt’s agricultural mechanics and agricultural production classes and Eric Sollie’s construction class worked together to complete the project.

“It’s important for us to show our respect and gratitude for all the men and women that have served our great country,” Holt said. “By participating in this project, students get to connect to this community and the heroes that have defended our country and freedom.”

This is the first year Tuscola students have participated in the project, but Holt and Sollie both agree they will continue to look for more ways to serve the community.

2021 Teacher Appreciation Week

Haywood County Schools is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week May 3-7 with May 4 designated as National Teacher Day.

The past 14 months have brought many new challenges to teachers. From creating hybrid lesson plans to engaging online learners to providing emotional support to keep students motivated during the pandemic, teachers play an essential role in ensuring that the district’s more than 7,000 students receive a quality education by providing innovative instruction and loving care.

“This year has been tough on everyone, but our teachers rose to the occasion,” Dr. Bill Nolte, Haywood County Schools superintendent, said. “Through it all, our teachers have still made educating students, loving children, and preparing future leaders of our community a top priority.”

More than 500 Haywood County Schools teachers skillfully instruct students in a multitude of academic subjects in pre-school through twelfth grade.

Sally Hundley, like many of the district’s teachers, begins her day at school before the sun is even up. Before the first bell has rang, she’s answered e-mails, prepared for the day by looking over plans she created over the weekend, and set up new activities to greet her middle schoolers with when they walk through the door.

Hundley has been teaching with Haywood County Schools for 28 years. Her tenure includes three years at Pisgah High School, 15 years at Waynesville Middle School, and she’s spent the past 10 years at Bethel Middle School.

It is often said that teaching is a calling. In high school, Hundley said she was unsure about becoming a teacher, but earning a full scholarship for teaching pushed her into the field. Initially, she planned on just teaching for a few years, but nearly three decades later she says she can’t imagine devoting herself to anything else.
“I adore teaching my middle schoolers because they keep me young, make me laugh, push me to be better, and make me a lifelong learner,” Hundley said with a smile. “I give my students impossible challenges–and they figure out how to get them done.”

Hundley explained that support from students’ parents, the community, school system, and her co-workers make it possible for her to successfully teach students.

“I am so blessed to work with them each day and to teach at such an amazing school with colleagues who always put kids first,” Hundley said. “Parent support makes my job so much easier and community support of Haywood County Schools makes it a great place to work.”

State Farm Chad McMahon Donates for Teacher Appreciation Week

Waynesville State Farm Insurance agent Chad McMahon’s office donated $500 to the Haywood County Schools Foundation in recognition of National Teacher Appreciation Week. Half of the donation came from McMahon’s agency, and the remainder was matched by the State Farm Foundation.

“Haywood County Schools teachers have worked tirelessly to overcome the countless challenges they have encountered over the past year, and I thought they deserved a little extra recognition during National Teacher Appreciation Week,” said McMahon. “I’m happy to have this opportunity to give back to those who give up so much for the sake of our children.”

The donation will be used in a random drawing to give away five $100 prizes to Haywood County Schools teachers.

Rotaries Donate Bus Camera Systems

The Waynesville Rotary and Haywood Rotary clubs recently donated $8,000 to Haywood County Schools to install bus camera systems on three school buses.

Each bus camera system includes three exterior cameras and four interior cameras. The exterior cameras are mounted at the front and back of the bus and on the stop arm to record drivers who violate the NC School Bus Stop Law.

“We are very appreciative of the donation from our local Rotary clubs,” Dr. Trevor Putnam, Haywood County Schools associate superintendent, said. “The cameras will help us increase safety off of the bus and also promote student accountability on the bus.”

Currently, more than half of Haywood County Schools’ buses are equipped with camera systems. As buses are replaced, new buses are purchased with pre-installed camera systems.

The Waynesville Rotary and Haywood Rotary each raised $2,000, and the district-level Rotary matched their donation with an additional $4,000.

“Children’s safety is the most important thing,” Celesa Willett, Haywood Rotary president, said. “We’re also hoping this donation will bring an awareness about school bus safety for our community.”

The new exterior and interior video cameras continuously record during a bus route. The recording system captures the bus’s speed, braking, deployment of amber warning lights and deployment of stoparm.

Once a stoparm violation is observed, the bus driver triggers a sensor to time-mark the video. Embedded with GPS and mapping, the playback software enables the transportation department to study the passing events in detail. They can toggle through different cameras to study the image frame by frame with local law enforcement.

Under the NC School Bus Stop Law, when a school bus stops for passengers all traffic from both directions must stop on two-lane roadways, two-lane roadways with a center turn lane, and four-lane roadways without a median separation.

There are only two times oncoming traffic does not have to stop for a stopped school bus: when a school bus stops for passengers on any divided highway with a median separation or roadway of four lanes or more with a center turning lane.

Drivers should not proceed to move, pass, or attempt to pass a school bus until after the mechanical stop signal has been withdrawn, the flashing red stoplights have been turned off, and the bus has started to move.

According to the N.C. Highway Patrol, 3,100 cars pass stopped school buses in the state each year.

Most traffic violations are infractions, however, passing a stopped school bus is a class 1 misdemeanor.

If convicted, a person will receive five driving points on their driver’s license and is subject to fines up to $500. Passing a stopped school bus is a class I felony if the driver strikes an individual and a class H felony should the violation result in a death.

Passing a stopped school bus also puts four points on a driver’s insurance policy, causing premiums to increase by 80 percent for three years from the date of conviction.

The bus camera donation is just one of many local initiatives local rotaries support.

The Haywood Rotary Club is hosting a virtual benefit drawing for to raise money for scholarships for local high school seniors. To purchase a ticket, contact a Haywood Rotary member.

The Waynesville Rotary hopes to resume its fundraising efforts later this year at the Lake Logan International Triathlon and next year’s Downtown Waynesville Chili Cookoff.

Altrusa Establishes Linda Arnold Scholarship

Altrusa of Waynesville has established a scholarship with the Haywood County Schools Foundation to honor member Linda Arnold, who has been an active Altrusan for more than 35 years.

The scholarship, which is being sponsored by Linda’s sons Dr. Bob Arnold and Jim Arnold, is a renewable scholarship that can total $6,000 over four years.

Linda has been a resident of Haywood County since 1986, when she and her late husband Stan Arnold made Waynesville their home.

The Arnolds quickly became involved members of the community. Linda is a founding chairperson of Altrusa’s signature Soup and Cornbread fundraiser that is held each January. This is the only fundraiser held by Altrusa Club of Waynesville to raise funds for scholarships for Haywood County students.

“In our family, education is what changes lives,” Linda explained. “My husband came here as an immigrant to go to school, and it changed his life and his family’s.”

The scholarship recipient will be selected from the list of students who applied for Altrusa scholarships through the Haywood County Schools Foundation scholarship application, which was available to all Haywood County Schools seniors earlier this year. Winners will be notified in May.

The Haywood County Schools Foundation currently manages more than 60 scholarships that have been established by businesses and individuals in the community. Scholarships may be endowed or funded annually. Criteria for awarding the scholarship are designed by the donors and the Foundation Board of Directors. Endowed scholarships are generated through the investment of permanently-held principals, so that only the income from the principal is used for scholarship awards.

For more information about donating to an Altrusa scholarship or setting up a scholarship fund, contact Executive Director Jenny Wood at 828-456-2400 or visit www.hcsf.haywood.k12.nc.us.

Kindergarten Registration

Haywood County Schools’ kindergarten registration for 2021-22 is scheduled to occur May 10-14.

Each school will provide parents and guardians with a packet of required documents in a drive thru format while collecting important contact information from each family. Certified birth certificates will be verified at that time as well. To enter kindergarten, a child must be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2021.

Registration times are listed below. Please contact each school for more information.

Bethel Elementary School on May 11 at 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Clyde Elementary School on May 12 at 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Hazelwood Elementary School on May 11 at 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Jonathan Valley Elementary School on May 12 at 8:15-10:00 a.m. and 3:30-6:00 p.m.
Junaluska Elementary School on May 11 at 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Meadowbrook Elementary School on May 11 at 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 3:00-4:00 p.m.
North Canton Elementary School on May 13 at 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Riverbend Elementary School on May 11 at 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Children should be registered at the elementary school in their district of residence. Parents and guardians may call the Haywood County Schools Central Office at 828-456-2400 if they do not know which district they live in.

If parents/guardians miss the above special enrollment dates, they may still enroll their child anytime during regular school hours; however, it is strongly recommended to enroll children as early as possible before the school year begins.

For more information about kindergarten, please contact individual schools.

2020 Scholarship Recipients

The Haywood County Schools Foundation awarded 104 Pisgah, Tuscola, Haywood Early College, and Central Haywood high school seniors with 130 scholarships totaling $227,750 last week. Scholarship amounts ranged from $250 to $40,000.

Typically, students are surprised at school with the news, but this year student were notified via mail.

“This school year has been challenging and anything but ordinary for our students, so awarding these scholarships was a positive way to end their senior year,” Jenny Wood, Haywood County Schools Foundation executive director, said. “A large portion of our scholarships come from endowed money, but several come from individuals and businesses in the community. We were so thankful that almost every single one of those made the commitment to still provide a scholarship despite the shaky economy we’ve experience recently.”

Currently, the Foundation manages more than 60 scholarships. Scholarships may be endowed or funded annually. Criteria for awarding the scholarship are designed by the donors and the Foundation Board of Directors. Endowed scholarships are generated through the investment of permanently-held principals, so that only the income from the principal is used for scholarship awards.

For more information about donating to a scholarship fund or setting up a scholarship through the Haywood County Schools Foundation, contact Executive Director Jenny Wood at 456-2400 or visit www.hcsf.haywood.k12.nc.us.

• Coleman Ammons, THS: Haywood County Community Band
• Tiffany Barrett, PHS: Reeves Memorial
• Jessica Bates, THS: Tuscola Class of 1972
• Walker Beasley, PHS: Haywood Realtor Association
• Abigail Bleakley, THS: Haywood County Democratic Women
• Molly Boothroyd, PHS: Smathers Cruso
• Owen Bowers, PHS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Jena Brown, THS: Champion Credit Union-Roland Leatherwood and Mark Douglas Parris Memorial
• Bethany Buchanan, THS: Patricia C. Liner, RN Memorial
• Ethan Byers, HEC: Peggy Melville
• Jessica Cairnes, PHS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Makenzie Caldwell, THS: Elayne Tucker Wadsworth Memorial
• Amanda Ceron, THS: Champion Credit Union-Roland Leatherwood
• Keely Cherry, THS: Dustin Travis Moody Memorial
• Sarah Clarke, THS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Noah Clontz, PHS: Jeff Simmons Memorial
• Keona Coleman, PHS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Elke Craig, THS: Junaluska Ross-Lance
• Grace Cronk, THS: Altrusa International of Waynesville and Waynesville Lions Club-Charles Balentine Sr. Memorial
• Brayan Cruz, THS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Melissa Dellinger: THS, QuickDraw-Art and Tuscola Class of 1984
• Jadyn Denty, PHS: Dr. Kristen Hammett Vet Tech and Scott Sisters
• Marna Dodson, THS: Adeline B. Patrick Memorial and Steve Sutton Memorial
• Lilly Ensley, PHS: Cynthia Shepherd Culbertson Memorial
• Morgan Fetsko, HEC: QuickDraw-Art
• Audrey Fields, CHHS: Reeves Family Memorial
• Kylie Fisher, PHS: PHS Golden Anniversary
• John Francis, THS: John C. Howell Memorial
• Felicia Frank, THS: Waynesville Woman’s Club
• Cooper Franklin, PHS: Clyde Lions Club-Somberg, McCracken & Hannah and Sportsman’s Club
• Josie Garner, THS: SECU People Helping People
• Carter Gibson, PHS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Mercedes Gil, HEC: QuickDraw-Art
• Paige Griffith, PHS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Trace Guyer, PHS: Waynesville Garden Club-Horticulture
• Aden Haider, PHS: SECU People Helping People
• Haylee Hall, PHS: Smathers Cruso
• John Harter, PHS: Junaluska Ross-Lance
• Sarah Haurey, HEC: Scott Sisters and Shay Barnes Starnes Memorial
• Faith Henson, PHS: Canton High School Class of 1957
• Benjamin Hites, THS: Dr. Alan & Rita M. Brown Memorial
• Ronald ‘Cub’ Hundley, HEC: Haywood County Retired School Personnel and Smathers Cruso
• Kennan Huskison, THS: James & Betty Scott Memorial
• William Huskison, THS: Tuscola Class of 1971 and Waynesville Lions Club-Charles Balentine Sr. Memorial
• William Hutchby, HEC, QuickDraw-Art and SECU People Helping People
• Isaiah Israel, PHS: United Community Bank
• Alexis Kang, HEC: Reuben B. Robertson Foundation
• Elijah Kirchoff, PHS: Haywood Rotary Club
• Hope Lafleur, THS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Alexia Livingston, THS: Posey Family and Tuscola Class of 1973
• Jennifer Luna Avala, THS: Waynesville Woman’s Club
• Xitlali Martin, PHS: Haywood County Democratic Women
• Fiona Masciarelli, THS: David Sherrill Memorial and QuickDraw-Art
• Kyrstin McClure, THS: Trooper Anthony Cogdill Memorial
• Savannah McEntire, PHS: Black Orthodontics and Haywood County Fraternal Order of Police
• Parker McMahon, THS: Charles K. Patterson Memorial
• Chloe Medford, PHS: Haywood County Schools Nutrition
• Leah Mehaffey, PHS: Betty Jean Henson Memorial and Scott Sisters
• Sydney Messer, PHS: Patricia C. Liner, RN Memorial
• Austin Metcalf, PHS: Champion Credit Union-Roland Leatherwood and Haywood Rotary Club
• Madison Mintz, PHS: Haywood Rotary Club and Shay Barnes Starnes Memorial
• Brooke Moore, PHS: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of WNC-Vocational
• Zachariah Mull, PHS: Haywood Rotary Club
• Julio Murillo Valdovinos, THS: Moses L. Robinson Memorial and Tuscola Class of 1973
• Ellery Neal, PHS: Cynthia Shepherd Culbertson Memorial
• John Neyman, PHS: Haywood Rotary Club
• Maeanna Norris, PHS: Frank & Kathryn G. Kirkpatrick Memorial
• Trinity Norton, PHS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Cade Parkins, HEC: Bill Sease Memorial
• Chloe Parris, PHS: James M. & Mary P. Edwards Memorial
• Ethan Passmore, PHS: Altrusa International of Waynesville, Haywood Regional Medical Center, and Trooper Calvin E. Taylor Memorial
• Olivia Payne, PHS: Cruso Friendship Club Jervis/Alexander
• Lily Payne, HEC: WOW – Lynda Chovan Memorial
• Patricia Morgan Plemmons, THS: QuickDraw-Art and Teri H. Hughes Memorial Performing Arts
• Riley Presnell, THS: Richie’s Alliance
• Bailey Price, HEC: Altrusa International of Waynesville and QuickDraw-Art
• Hailey Price, THS: United Community Bank
• Chloe Queen, PHS: Sonoma Masonic Lodge
• Anna Quinn, THS: B. L. Upton, Sr. & D. E. Tingle Memorial
• Ridge Ray, PHS: Kinsland Family and Sharon Blankenship AEOP
• Alivia Rich, THS: Robert E. & Viola Forga
• Abbey Roberts, HEC: Scott Sisters
• Juan Rodriguez, PHS: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of WNC-Vocational
• David Rolland, PHS: Mary Gillis Educational Memorial and Tom Cifani Memorial for Music
• Jammylee Saintons, THS: Waynesville Woman’s Club
• Carter Shook, PHS: Waynesville Garden Club-Horticulture
• Travis Shuford, PHS: Patricia C. Liner, RN Memorial
• Allen Keith Simpkins, PHS: Haywood County Schools Foundation
• Sean Siske, CHHS: Haywood Rotary Club and Nick Mastriana Memorial
• Jonathan Smart, THS: Buddy Chandler Scholarship
• Joseph Smart, THS: Haywood Realtor Association and Tommy E. Davis Memorial
• Madisen Smith, PHS: Dr. Mack S. & Beulah Setser Memorial
• Hayden Stockton, PHS , Justin Inman Memorial
• Robert Super, THS: QuickDraw-Art
• Bly Trull, PHS: Cruso Friendship Club Jervis/Alexander and Smathers Cruso
• Brooks Valentine, PHS , Robert E. & Viola Forga
• Valeria Villarroel Venegas, THS: QuickDraw-Art
• Adam Wampler, THS: Haywood Regional Medical Center
• Jacqueline Webb, PHS , First Citizens Bank
• Grace Webb, HEC: First Citizens Bank and QuickDraw-Art
• Elliott Wells, THS: Teresa Kaye Ashe Memorial for Nursing
• Madison Wilson, PHS: Black Orthodontics
• Alyssa Wilson, PHS: Champion Credit Union-Roland Leatherwood

Haywood County Schools Foundation Awards $42,000 in Grants

Haywood County Schools Foundation gave 172 grants to teachers totaling $42,895 on November 13 at a Grant Recipient Reception at Tuscola High School.

Grants were sponsored by Duke Energy, Evergreen Packaging, First Citizens Banks, QuickDraw, the Arc of Haywood County, and the Haywood County Schools Foundation. The grants fund resources for teachers and staff to enrich the learning experience for students.

Teachers and staff from across the district applied for the grants this fall, and winners were selected after committees representing each grant reviewed applications.

“We are so happy to be able to partner with area organizations to be able to fund these innovative projects that our teachers have worked tirelessly to plan,” Haywood County Schools Foundation Executive Director Jenny Wood Valliere said. “The projects these teachers are putting together in the classroom encourage creativity and ensure that our students are engaged in the learning process.”

Grants ranged from $200 to purchase LEGO kits for a fairy tale literature unit in a kindergarten class at Clyde Elementary, to $350 to purchase power grid models for Waynesville Middle School’s STEM class, to $375 to buy interview-appropriate attire for Pisgah High School Exceptional Children (EC) students.

“We consider it an honor to help teachers surround our children with books and continue to increase literacy rates in the county,” Kevin Wells, First Citizens Bank senior vice president, said. “Teachers are the real heroes here today because they have committed themselves to educating students by creating a strong foundation in reading.”

Each grant sponsor has different requirements and focuses of study. The Duke Energy and Evergreen Packaging grants focus on projects that promote math and science. The First Citizens Bank grant provides funding to schools and teachers for reading initiatives. The QuickDraw art grant provides funds for art teachers to purchase materials for art education projects.

Professional growth and development are the focus of the Haywood County Schools Foundation grant and is available to teachers, faculty, and staff. Funding for the professional development grants was raised through Haywood County Schools Foundation fundraisers like the Mardi Gras Ball and bingo.

If you would like more information about funding classroom projects, contact Haywood County Schools Foundation Executive Director Jenny Wood Valliere at 828-456-2400.

2018-19 ARC Grant Recipients
• Gretchen Denton, Bethel
• Kathy Boyer, Bethel
• Melissa Collins, Bethel
• Chris Frodsham, BMS
• Karma Shuford, BMS
• Amanda Parton, Clyde
• Angela Ledford, Clyde
• Deah Branson, Clyde
• Gloria Rose, Clyde
• Jacqueline Willis, Clyde
• Sarah Floyd, Clyde
• Virginia Hawken, Clyde
• Deborah Brown, CMS
• Emily Ferguson, CMS
• Kim Ross / Tina Latrino, CMS
• Rebecca Massie, CMS/CHHS/THS/WMS
• Debbie Steinel, county-wide
• Katheryn Clontz, county-wide
• Mary Beth Brown, county-wide
• Mary Beth Brown / Reah Landau, county-wide
• Melanie Ashe, county-wide
• Angela Vinson Ray, Hazelwood
• Cristy Rogers, Hazelwood
• Kimberly Caron, Hazelwood
• Lana Brooks, Hazelwood
• Alda Chambers, Junaluska
• Kristi Blackburn, Junaluska
• Lauren Queen, Junaluska
• Rebecca Brown, Junaluska
• Danielle Ramsey, North Canton
• Jessica Igwe, North Canton
• Traci Wike, North Canton
• Chirs Amsler, PHS
• Courtney Phillips, PHS
• Lisa Cook, PHS
• Ashley Dillard, RES
• Casey Hooper, WMS
• Casey Roberts, WMS

2018-19 Duke Energy STEM Grant Recipients
• Jade Crawford, Bethel
• Sam Yancey, Bethel
• Sally Hundley, BMS
• Crystal Christy, Clyde
• Kim Serenius, Clyde
• Sophi Spurrier, Clyde
• Tenissa Higgins, Clyde
• Wendy Underwood, Clyde
• Laura Kirchner, Hazelwood
• Susan Delbene, Hazelwood
• John Serenius, Jonathan Valley
• Chase Smith, PHS
• Lisa Cook, PHS
• Michelle Mahoney, PHS
• Amanda Wells, WMS

2018-19 Evergreen Packaging Math and Science Grant Recipients
• Sam Yancey, Bethel
• Chris Frodsham, BMS
• Julie Smith, BMS
• Jan Davis, Clyde
• Wendy Underwood, Clyde
• Anita Painter, CMS
• Laura Kirchner, Hazelwood
• John Serenius, Jonathan Valley
• Michelle Burris, North Canton
• Valerie Guyer, North Canton
• Andrew Chase Smith, PHS
• Kristy Sorrells, PHS
• Lisa Cook, PHS
• Michelle Mahoney, PHS
• Timothy Shepard, PHS
• Elaine Hyatt, WMS
• Linda Estes, WMS
• Sandra Hermida, WMS
• Tara O’Loughlin, WMS
• William Saxon, WMS

2018-19 First Citizens Bank Reading Grant Recipients
• Crystal McCracken, BMS
• Julie Smith, BMS
• Angela Ledford, Clyde
• Gloria Rose, Clyde
• Karley Wells, Clyde
• Wendy Underwood, Clyde
• Thad Pickard, CMS
• Carol Clarke, Hazelwood
• Mary Mason, Jonathan Valley
• Lisa Cook, PHS
• Megan Wantz, THS
• Tara O’Loughlin, WMS

2018-19 Haywood County Schools Foundation Professional Development Grant Recipients
• Angela McHenry, Bethel
• Amy Harrington, BMS
• Angela Cloud, BMS
• Anita Clark, BMS
• Chris Frodsham, BMS
• Crystal McCracken, BMS
• Deidra Boone, BMS
• Dorothea Stewart, BMS
• Elise Parham, BMS
• Emily Fama, BMS
• Jennifer Mabry, BMS
• Julie Smith, BMS
• Karma Shuford, BMS
• Kendra Plemmons, BMS
• Michelle Knapik, BMS
• Rebecca Smith, BMS
• Ron Hundley, BMS
• Sally Hundley, BMS
• Spencer Reeves, BMS
• Angela Ledford, Clyde
• Carrie Hooper, Jonathan Valley
• Gloria Rose, Clyde
• Stephen Sharpe, Clyde
• Anita Painter, CMS
• Kathryn Clontz, county-wide
• Carol Clarke, Hazelwood
• Charlie Edwards, Junaluska
• Ira Hyde, Junaluska
• Melissa Williams, Meadowbrook
• Valerie Guyer, North Canton
• Ashlee Jones, PHS
• Chase Smith, PHS
• Emily Burrus, PHS
• Hannah Yucha, PHS
• Kristy Sorrells, PHS
• Lisa Cook, PHS
• Michelle Mahoney, PHS
• Stephanie Morgan, PHS
• Tabitha Judy, PHS
• Tim Shepard, PHS
• Alison Francis, SFS
• Angela Pless, SFS
• Barbara Fowler, SFS
• Betty White, SFS
• Brenda Wheeler, SFS
• Candy McCoy, SFS
• Chelsea Williams, SFS
• Jamie, SFS
• Jennifer Prouty, SFS
• Karen Jones, SFS
• Kathy Robertson, SFS
• Mary Ann Shoaf, SFS
• Michelle Booth, SFS
• Misty Griffin, SFS
• Paola Sandaval, SFS
• Robin Rogers, SFS
• Sheila McClure, SFS
• Sue Donahoe, SFS
• Vicky Messer, SFS
• Amy Garner, THS
• Lisa Burgin, THS
• Megean Wantz, THS
• Adam Stewart, WMS
• Alex Swanger, WMS
• Christine Basulto, WMS
• Elaine Hyatt, WMS
• Heather Sims, WMS
• Jennifer Mehaffey, WMS
• Jennifer Parton, WMS
• Jennifer Reeves, WMS
• Karen Kreitzburg, WMS
• Laura Turner, WMS
• Laurie Bass, WMS
• Noal Castater, WMS
• Rhonda Haney, WMS
• Samuel Bogan, WMS
• Sandra Hermida, WMS
• Tara O’Loughlin, WMS

2018-19 QuickDraw Art Education Grant Recipients
• Kellye Slate, Junaluska/Hazelwood
• Kara Faust, CMS
• Dustin Keyes, PHS
• Carrie Hooper, Jonathan Valley/Meadowbrook/North Canton
• Stephanie Kea, THS
• Angela Cloud, BMS/Riverbend
• Tara O’Loughlin, WMS
• Caroline Ottinger, Bethel/Clyde

Hayley Prince Named 2018 Teacher of the Year

Junaluska Elementary School fourth grade teacher Hayley Prince has been named the 2018-19 Haywood County Schools Teacher of the Year.

The annual award recognizes the most innovative and influential public school educators in the county. Prince was chosen out of a field of 15 other educators representing each of the district’s schools.

Over the past six years, Prince has taught hundreds of third, fourth, and fifth grade students at Junaluska Elementary School.

“One of the most prevalent factors that influenced me in becoming a teacher has to do with my own personal experience as a student of Haywood County Schools,” Prince, a Haywood County native, explained. “I remember so many of my teachers who went out of their way to not only help me learn the facts, but also cared about my social and emotional well being.”

Prince said she hopes to positively influence her students in a similar way.

Each morning, Prince greets her 25 fourth graders at the door with a smile and warm welcome to start the day.

“Elementary students are so special to me because they have an eagerness to learn and a curiosity about the world around them that only a child can express,” Prince said. “They are constantly taking their first steps into new frontiers of learning.”

Prince’s teaching philosophy is based on each student’s unique learning needs. At the beginning of each school year, Prince gets to know her students and discovers what motivates them to succeed.

“By giving my students a safe environment to learn, grow, and succeed regardless of their background, they can set high goals and achieve them,” Prince said.

For Prince, establishing positive relationships with her students goes beyond the classroom. It is not uncommon to see Prince at her students’ sporting events, music concerts, or karate competitions on the weekends. She believes these small gestures of showing care and interest in her students’ lives result in greater lifelong success.

“Ms. Prince is very sweet and understanding, and everyone in my class is kind,” Lizzie Clark, a fourth grader in Prince’s class, said. “She reminds us that we can always make new friends anywhere we go.”

Prince said she wants her students to go home each day knowing that they accomplished something that will benefit them throughout their whole life.

“It was not until the first time I had to say goodbye to a classroom of students that I fully realized the difference my instruction and influence had made in their educational development,” Prince recalled. “While many professions measure rewards in sales volumes and bonuses, teaching measures rewards in the ability of a child to comprehend a new idea and build a relationship with someone they can trust.”

Prince smiled as she recounted a number of students who are now in middle and high school who still keep in contact with her.

“I always wanted to be a teacher, but winning Teacher of the Year just affirms everything I’ve worked so hard at over the years,” Prince said. “The outpouring of support from my family, community, school, and current and former students has been so overwhelming.”

Education officials praised Prince’s ability to build relationships with her students while teaching everything from North Carolina history to conceptual math.

“Ms. Prince goes above and beyond to reach all of her students,” Alex Masciarelli, Junaluska Elementary School principal, said. “Her passion and sincerity are evident at first glance.”

Haywood County Schools Superintendent Dr. Bill Nolte said Prince embodies the passion and dedication of the district’s more than 500 public school teachers.

“Our students wouldn’t be successful if it wasn’t for our employees who protect them, feed them, get them to school on time, teach them, and love them every day,” Dr. Nolte said during the Teacher of the Year banquet on September 7. “One of my greatest pleasures as superintendent is visiting classrooms, and Ms. Prince’s classroom is a great representation of the wonderful teachers we have in our school district.”

As Teacher of the Year, Prince received a monetary award from Haywood County Schools and will be recognized again in the spring with an Evergreen Packaging award from the Haywood County Schools Foundation. She will also now be considered for the WNC Regional Teacher of the Year award.

Over the next year, Prince will act as an ambassador for teachers throughout the county and will serve on several district-wide committees.

2018-19 Teachers of the Year from each school include:
• Courtney Meyers, Bethel Elementary
• Julie Green, Bethel Middle School
• Deborah Brown, Canton Middle School
• Bronson Gross, Central Haywood High School
• Sophi Spurrier, Clyde Elementary School
• Ryan Brumfield, Haywood Early College
• Rebekah Wilson, Hazelwood Elementary School
• Kathy Swanger, Jonathan Valley Elementary School
• Hayley Prince, Junaluska Elementary School
• Courtney Smith, Meadowbrook Elementary School
• Valerie Guyer, North Canton Elementary School
• Callie Rogers, Pisgah High School
• Leslie Buchanan, Riverbend Elementary School
• Stephanie Kea, Tuscola High School
• Casey Roberts, Waynesville Middle School